Special Education Minor for Psychology Majors
15 credits (5 courses)
This minor is intended to boost knowledge and application of special education and disability awareness, especially in ages birth to 21. Knowing special education law, applications, and practices within educational settings may allow psychologists working with children (e.g., therapists, school psychologists) a means to better recognize, serve, and advocate for children with disabilities.
Note: Earning a minor does not provide a teacher certification in any way.
Required classes for minor: 15 credits
- IL 1060 - Education of Exceptional Students in the Classroom (Spring semester only)
- IL 1061 - Education of Exceptional Students in the Classroom (Fall semester only)
- IL 1360 - Transition & Collaboration: Education, Planning, and Services (Fall semester only; beginning fall 2024)
- IL 1364 - Classroom and Behavior Management (Fall semester only; beginning fall 2024)
- PSY 1475 - Applied Behavior Analysis (Spring semester only)
Please note: IL 1060 & 1061 are pre-requisites for IL 1360 & IL 1364.
Additionally, Psychology students must:
- Get clearances PRIOR to IL 1060 (PDF). You cannot partake in the mandated field experiences without these. These need to be turned into Mrs. Jane Hoch, Cassell Hall 211, prior to enrolling.
- Get an override to be in the classes as the pre-requisites will not be met.
- Course Descriptions
- Printable Distribution of Credits Checklist (PDF)
- Printable Program Requirements Sheet - coming soon!