Alumni Spotlight: Markelle Harden '98

Markelle Harden Photo

Markelle Harden attended Pitt-Greensburg from which she graduated in 1998 with a BS in psychology.

What brought you to Pitt-Greensburg?

After completing 48 credits at WCCC, I was still undecided on a program of study and career path. Still, I knew I wanted to pursue a bachelor's degree, but I was skeptical of committing to a long-distance move to attend a university. A friend from high school recommended Pitt- Greensburg for several reasons: it's a commuter-friendly campus with talented professors and various academic programs.

Were you a commuter or a resident? Commuter

What activities were you involved with as a student?

I was a member of Psi Chi. I was very interested in advancing the science of psychology, especially in the research of psychological predictors & nature vs. nurture studies.

Did you have a favorite professor, staff member, coach, or mentor that really impacted your life?
If it weren't for Diane Marsh, I would not have had the confidence to take on many challenges after graduation. She was an incredible speaker and lecturer; I learned more by listening to her lectures than I did from most of the assigned reading.

Of all the classes you took, what is the one class you would recommend everyone take? Who taught the class? Why would you recommend it?
Any classes with Diane Marsh, Professor of Psychology, who was both an inspiration and a wealth of lifetime wisdom.

What do you remember most vividly from your time at Pitt-Greensburg?

I arrived on campus shortly after the Millstein Library was built, and I spent more hours in that building than any other place on campus. It was the perfect escape to dive into assignments and study, and I loved the quiet atmosphere.

What have you been up to since graduation?

Shortly after graduation, I relocated to Phoenix, Arizona, and lived there for 10 years. In 2008, I relocated to the Charlotte, NC, area, and I visit Greensburg / Westmoreland County at least once or twice a year to see family and friends.

How did your experiences and education at Pitt-Greensburg prepare you for life after college?

The classes at Pitt-Greensburg prepared me to embrace the unknown, tackle challenges gracefully, and keep a positive attitude when the going gets tough. I didn't know it at the time, but my major and area of study prepared me very well for the marketing industry. Thanks to my education, studying and identifying target audiences, identifying ideal personas, and incorporating empathy into brand messages are second nature.

As an alum, how do you support Pitt-Greensburg?

I've helped the Offices of Alumni Relations and Career Services with the Annual Resume Contest. In the future, I'd love to help fellow graduates identify pivot opportunities when economic changes or changes in the job market impacts their employment status.

What advice do you have for your fellow Bobcats?

After graduation, if you can't find the ideal job, your dream job, or even a job within your major, you still have a bachelor's degree and can use it to build a career and life you love. The pursuit of career perfection post-graduation is a momentum killer. Keep going; your path awaits; don't turn away if it's not the path you originally envisioned.

For fun:

What is your favorite food? Fire roasted salsa with chipotles in adobo
List 3-5 fun facts about yourself that most people probably wouldn’t know.

  1. I've learned most history lessons through reading historical fiction. (Thank you, Pittsburgh-area author, Marie Benedict.)

  2. I hope to run a foster and training program for rescued German Shepherds and other high-energy breeds someday.

  3. I love camping and spending time on lakes.